Converting users from y_ini to MySql


I want to convert my system y_ini to mysql to put features like time ban or top 10 on website extra extra.But i don't have a clue how to convert users to mysql.

Anybody have any ideas?

You can't I think. Just have to start new.

Start 17.000 + Members again?

There is got to be a way to do this.

You can read the INI data and form a query based on the data from the files to insert in to your MySQL database.

I created this a while ago for the basic format of INI files, I'm not sure if it'll work with y_ini, you might have to edit it a bit.

You can do this in your script though, simply read the data and then create a string and your form your query based on the file data. It's neater to use an external script or program to convert everything for you though IMO, so you have less of an overhead in your script.

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