City hall - entrance icon

Hello guys!

Today I tried to add the new city hall as is released on this forum, but when I did that the entrance icon was in the air and I didnt got it down to the ground there I want it to be. So.. my questions is how can I get it there? I have tried to edit the codes, but I do not get it down. I'll show the code with an image down here and I hope everyone understand what I mean. If you know how to fix it, please show me what code I need to edit!


Here is the code I have on the City hall entrance:
CreateDynamicPickup(1314, 1, 1481.3898,-1773.0805,18.7958,0); //City Hall
Create3DTextLabel("[City Hall] \n Press \"ENTER VEHICLE\" to enter the Place.",0xFFFF00AA, 1481.3898,-1773.0805,18.7958, 20,0,1);

Are you sure the z axis isn't above the ground? I'm guessing it's in the air because the z value is too high, lower it down.

pawn Code:
CreateDynamicPickup(1314, 1, 1481.3898,-1773.0805,12.7958,0); //City Hall
Create3DTextLabel("[City Hall] \n Press \"ENTER VEHICLE\" to enter the Place.",0xFFFF00AA, 1481.3898,-1773.0805,12.7958, 20,0,1);

Holy crap, fast answering! Thanks for that, I'll try it now!

Damn.. the icon is on the correct place, but I can't enter it now.. Changed from .18 to .14

pawn Code:
CMD:enter(playerid, params[])
    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playeird, OUTSIDECITYHALLCOORDSHERE))
        SetPlayerPos(playerid, Insidecityhallcoordshere);
    return 1;

I said it was fixed..

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