Looking for [Roleplay] Scripter

Hello everyone, I've recently stumbled upon this cool roleplay server [Votex Roleplay 1] I have started making houses and such with my friend but I seen theres a lot of things needed to be worked on, so I'm willing to give INGAME Rewards for a Scripter.. We won't need REALLY-GOOD items just basics for example:

You can't buy anything from the Ammunation.
You can't but anything from the Car Dealerships.
Add Glasses and Bandana's to Skin Shop.

Theres a little bit more but not a WHOLE LOT

This server is CURRENTLY HAMACHI until The script is basically done so players can actually use it which is just the basics stuff I listed. If you need more information please add me on Skype -- MineGIF !!

I searched scripter for long time ,and i see now i will not find him and im learning script , you should do that trust me

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