I have a server issuse.

My player keeps actiung weird, like i wont be able to enter cars on my own server etc what can be the cause of this, Ive tried logging in and out, everytimne it does it i have to restart the server.

Are you sure it's actually your server? If you have certain mods installed it might cause your game to glitch out a bit and therefor causing your problem.

Wich script are you using?

PPC_Trucking, erm i do have a mod pack installed......also this just affects me.

Originally Posted by jon_billings
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PPC_Trucking, erm i do have a mod pack installed......also this just affects me.
Then chances are big it's your modpack. I had it too at some point, but I don't remember how I fixed it. Try removing the modpack. If it doesn't work, it might be a bug in your game.

On the other hand, since it's a trucking script it might have something to do with wrong coding, but since it only affects you, it's probably not the problem. I don't know the script though, so I am not sure.

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