two plugins problem

Hi ,

I'm using plugins "Gagi's House System v1.3" and "GiDan Admin System" but when "House system" is on "Admin System" doesn't work , and whan "Admin system" is on "House System" doesn't work ...

Can anybody help me ?



Define them in your server.cfg file:
Plugins House System Admin System (or whatever the plugin is called, it should run when you start your server.)

Rep+ if i helped you _

Make sure both plugins are situated in your plugins line in server.cfg. If you're on Linux, make sure it has the .so on the end.

Check your server log for issues such as "Could not load [plugin]", or "Loaded 0 plugins" when you've already got them in the plugins line.

If this doesn't work, then double check the two plugins don't cause issues when ran together. Check the thread, and ask the developers nicely if it will work side-by-side with the other plugin. They will help you hopefully!

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