Need help with markers

Hello, I need some help with map markers.
I've tried it myself but they keep reappearing, so maybe someone here is better than me with it.

Team 1 can not see Team 2 markers, and Team 2 can not see Team 1 markers.
Although the nametags and chat colour should be blue for Team 1 and red for Team 2.
When Team 2 writes /su, Team 2 markers will be visible as red.
And when someone in Team 1 writes /s, his or her mark will be yellow visible for everyone in Team 1 for 5 seconds then change back to blue visible for Team 1, but Team 2 can not see it.

Please help me out

can you show us the code you have so far

Sure, you can download my .pwn if it helps


Just use this:
pawn Code:
new gangmap;// put this on top of your gamemode

gangmap = ShowMarkerForPlayer(playerid,ID,X,Y,Z,ID,COLOR);  // try command may works fine for you, try. if it doesn't work feel free to post here again i'll try figure out what you did wrong.

Originally Posted by leonardo1434
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Just use this:
pawn Code:
new gangmap;// put this on top of your gamemode

gangmap = ShowMarkerForPlayer(playerid,ID,X,Y,Z,ID,COLOR);  // try command may works fine for you, try. if it doesn't work feel free to post here again i'll try figure out what you did wrong.
I wont try this, I would get errors, something such as "ShowMarkerForPlayer" doesnt exist.
Also if you are meaning ShowPlayerMarkerForPlayer, you cant assign it to an array.

The markers seem to disappear sometimes when you are close to the player, but they appear when you are far away. (Streaming maybe?)
And when team 2 spawns they see team 1 as red chat name and score list name until they stream in.

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