laptop error

My acer 5620 has a problem..when i turn it on it shows:disk error occurred press ctrl alt delete to restart
I restarted over 9000 times, opened the computer,checked the disk and cables and i dont find the fucking problem...
Someone had this?how you fixed?...thanks

Ps:this happened after a forced shutdown due to screen bug

Originally Posted by Moh_
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My acer 5620 has a problem..when i turn it on it shows:disk error occurred press ctrl alt delete to restart
I restarted over 9000 times, opened the computer,checked the disk and cables and i dont find the fucking problem...
Someone had this?how you fixed?...thanks

Ps:this happened after a forced shutdown due to screen bug
It shows when starting up windows, or on boot?
If it shows when starting windows, repair the windows or reinstall it.
If it's on the boot, move the computer for a computer technician.

windows doesnt start....
Already contacted a tech but...only monday

Did you try to boot Windows into safe mode to see if it can successfully boot up?

Does it say this?

'BOOTMGR Missing' If it does you need to run the windows repair disc or the windows dic to repair the problem with your PC. If it says somthing else please take a picture or somthing so I can give you a vlaid answer.

Adding to Kevin's post, if you cannot boot in Safe Mode it may actually be that the disk drive has corrupted itself, may need to get a new one.

If a disk drive is corrupted you can simply format and reinstall the file system, does mean you loose your data though.
#8 hd..... -.-

I could fix it, I got those errors, just run a chdsk (or something), via the option on the reinstall cd

Originally Posted by Riddy
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I could fix it, I got those errors, just run a chdsk (or something), via the option on the reinstall cd
that's used for windows crashes not for burned hds

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