Everyone dissapears 10 Mins in

Hi running the latest steam SA and the latest SA-MP. Only recently started having this issue.

About 10 minutes into the game for some reason all network objects dissapear such as vehicles and people and icons to enter buildings. Basically things that the server sends to me. But i'm still physically there and people can see me and i keep running into people destroying their cars and they get pissed but i can't see them.

Does anyone know the issue? And when it works my world is 0 and when it breaks my world is 0


Just rejoin the server. If it happens often, reset your internet. Up/Downloading stuff improves the chances of this

Like @[MM]IKKE said, if you have a bad connection or your downloading and uploading things then it could lead to this problem, the best way would be to reboot your router before joining the server, this makes sure your connection is 'fresh' and will most likely not lag out within the 10 minute period you were experiencing.

So your upload continues but your download stucks?
Could be multiple things, checked your firewall? checked your network drivers? checked your network card?

Thank you guys i'll try out some of the tips

Seems as though you are experiencing connection problems.

I highly suggest you restart your router and clear your DNS.
Start > cmd > ipconfig /flushdns

You then want to restart your computer and router.

If this doesn't solve the problem, I suggest you contact your ISP with the problem.
They should be able to sort it out for you.

Best of luck mate.

Ya, as above said, try checking your network connection.

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