Question about PVars

Hello, what is the difference between using PVars (like SetPVarInt, GetPVarInt... etc) and using the classic way with enum and player[id][var].

Which one do you recommend?

Regular variables are faster, but PVars have other advantages

One main advantage to using PVars is that you don't have to reset them once a player disconnects, but they do use up more ram than regular variables.

Here is a thread that ****** wrote that briefly covers PVars.

a Pvar can also be USED remotely
i.e. if once used
SetPVarInt(playerid , "score" , playerscore);
you can just use Variables " Score " using GetPVarInt in any other script too which running side by side of server,
< though thats not recommeded by some ppl >
WHile this not possible with normal variables ...
to do it with them you need some public functions etc.. and CallRemoteFunction

You shouldn't use pVars for everything, and shouldn't use variables/arrays/enums for everything. Arrays should alwatys use 'normal' variables, and IMO often-accessed variables that don't need to be used in remote scripts shouldn't be pvars, for example a variable that is used in OnPlayerUpdate.

Thanks for the answers

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