[AJUDA]ajuda a Compiler

Para este Warnig
C:\Users\Yuri\Desktop\GM Brasil Street Games\gamemodes\BTL.pwn(12040) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "cooordstring"
Variavel Criada mais Nunca usada, entao Delete a Variavel cooordstring na Linha:12040

Para Estes
C:\Users\Yuri\Desktop\GM Brasil Street Games\gamemodes\BTL.pwn(49852) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Users\Yuri\Desktop\GM Brasil Street Games\gamemodes\BTL.pwn(50156) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
Poste as linhas: 49852 e 50156 pois a funзгo esta faltando argumentos!

Para estes Warnigs:
C:\Users\Yuri\Desktop\GM Brasil Street Games\gamemodes\BTL.pwn(49912) : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "AnMerc1")
C:\Users\Yuri\Desktop\GM Brasil Street Games\gamemodes\BTL.pwn(49984) : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "Anla1")
C:\Users\Yuri\Desktop\GM Brasil Street Games\gamemodes\BTL.pwn(50049) : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "Anposto1")
C:\Users\Yuri\Desktop\GM Brasil Street Games\gamemodes\BTL.pwn(50077) : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "testtimer")
Crie a Forward no Topo do GM para tais Publics:
pawn Код:
forward AnMerc1();
forward Anla1();
forward Anposto1();
forward testtimer();
Para este Warning
C:\Users\Yuri\Desktop\GM Brasil Street Games\gamemodes\BTL.pwn(50181) : warning 216: nested comment
Poste a Linha 50181

Messages In This Thread
[AJUDA]ajuda a Compiler - by Yuri_xD - 30.05.2012, 17:25
Re: [AJUDA]ajuda a Compiler - by Diogo123 - 30.05.2012, 17:43
Re: [AJUDA]ajuda a Compiler - by blacktrindade - 30.05.2012, 17:44

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