i have hosted my server on byethost

i have host server on bythost.com there i have set my server files and i know i can start and restart my server with-ex-control server control but i dont know what ip and port and rcon i must to use

pm me here if you can help me

Check the "server" file there you should have your IP,Port and your RCON.

Hope i helped

nop you use it to?

I know someone who uses it.

and that someone can help me now?

I assume your talking about http://byethost.com/
Now assuming you bought a VPS as the other plans are shared hosting. Wich unless you have shell assess you won't be able to host a server on, and in most cases violates the terms of services. Now if you got a VPS I think they would email you your servers IP address and from there it would just what ever port you please.

As for RCON your RCON will be within your server configuration files. And you wi be able to change it to your liking.

I know how to setup samp servers and run them in a linux VPS.Pm me for help.

it's a free one but i have a free one at 000webhost.com working there or must to buy one to i have ip there but no port

i think free ones dosent come with SSH ,hence you cant run any server from.if your FTP's port is "22" then it has SSH enabled.and you can use Putty to start your server.

have send you a pm

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