[Question] Tunning

Hello guys. i have a question . Cost for repair car in paint spray is 100$. For tunning (paintjob,spoilers.....etc),is 1000$ - 2000$ . What i have to do to change this prices. I want repair car by 50$, paintjob 100$,spoilers 200$,etc,etc...

Thanks,and sorry for my bad english

As far as I know it's impossible as of now to change the price for the Pay n Spray built into GTA_SA, but if you want to change the prices then post the tuning system code here, then we can edit it to suit your needs.

What "tunning system mode" ??

Are you kidding me? you think that i dont know to modify any prices? i haven`t any "tunning system mode",it`s about tunning in San Fierro.

So,,i can do that i can edit prices of repair at paint spray and tunning in san fierro?

Originally Posted by Babica
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What "tunning system mode" ??

Are you kidding me? you think that i dont know to modify any prices? i haven`t any "tunning system mode",it`s about tunning in San Fierro.

So,,i can do that i can edit prices of repair at paint spray and tunning in san fierro?
No you can't do that, but you can do your own commands to pimp cars, and you could also make a pay'n'spray enterable with a door or something and have server sided money so it won't cost anything to go into the pay'n'spray, then you can add the -$$$ to the enter door thing and to the car tuning cmds. (if you only want the car to be rapaired at a specific point you could use PlayerEnterRaceCheckPoint or something (and maybe make that one in a pay'n'spray)
Sorry if you don't understand me, i whrited this pretty fast becuse i have to go :S

yes ranama, i`ll thinking that,but i want to modify price of pain`t spray and tunning,not make my pain`t spray on server (with cmds,etc)

If you want to set price higher you should giveplayermoney on callback:OnVehicleRespray -200 for example
and if you want to make it free you should give money +[default price for spray]
I think that should work.

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