Help with Register/Login system please

Hello all
I need litle help with scripting Login/Register system with dialogs

You see i have own servers (3b and 3d) and i know how to script lot of things, well i totaly edited SATDM Gamemode... i edited all i wanted, but there are 2 things i dont know how to script, only 2 things...!!

And this are:
1.) I would love to have Login/Register system with Dialogs, so when player comes to server, he must type his password into that dialog and he will be logged in.... Now you must type /login (your password) when you join, well i would like to change that, but idk how to script that, so if anyone helps, i will be verry glad and happy.

2.) Idk how would i script that when you sell your car it spawns there where its last parked, not there where was puted at the start...

I will be happly for help, (2nd problem isnt that important as the 1st)
Please Help me, Tnx!

This can help you with the registering and logging in system:

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