27.05.2012, 10:19
Hello, so I recently switched up to using y_ini, and can someone please explain to me the 'INI_ParseFile' function, because I just don't get it in the topics. I'm trying to make the log in part of this code.
I'm used to just reading from the file using something like this.
That would be so much easier. Oh, and Y_Less if you happen to read this topic, would you consider adding that type of reading for Y_INI?
pawn Code:
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
if(!response) return Kick(playerid);
else if(!strlen(inputtext))
new DiStr[200];
format(DiStr, sizeof(DiStr), "{FFFFFF}Welcome {00C0FF}%s(%d){FFFFFF} to the server, you're {F81414}not{FFFFFF} registered\n\nPlease log in by inputting your password.", ReturnName(playerid), playerid);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, REGISTER_DIALOG, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "{FFFFFF}Register", DiStr, "Register", "Leave");
new pFilePath[200], WPHash[129];
WP_Hash(WPHash, sizeof(WPHash), inputtext);
format(pFilePath, sizeof(pFilePath), PLAYER_FILE, ReturnName(playerid));
new INI:pFile = INI_Open(pFilePath);
INI_SetTag(pFile, "UserData");
INI_WriteString(pFile, "Name", ReturnName(playerid));
INI_WriteString(pFile, "PasswordHash", WPHash);
INI_WriteString(pFile, "Callsign", ReturnName(playerid)), format(P_DATA[playerid][Callsign], 64, "%s", ReturnName(playerid));
INI_WriteInt(pFile, "AdminLevel", 0), P_DATA[playerid][AdminLevel] = 0;
INI_WriteBool(pFile, "VIP", false), P_DATA[playerid][VIP] = false;
INI_WriteInt(pFile, "Deaths", 0), P_DATA[playerid][Deaths] = 0;
INI_WriteInt(pFile, "Money", 0), P_DATA[playerid][Money] = 0;
INI_WriteInt(pFile, "Score", 0), P_DATA[playerid][Score] = 0;
INI_WriteBool(pFile, "Jailed", false), P_DATA[playerid][Jailed] = false;
INI_WriteInt(pFile, "JailTime", 0), P_DATA[playerid][JailTime] = 0;
INI_WriteBool(pFile, "Muted", false), P_DATA[playerid][Muted] = false;
INI_WriteInt(pFile, "MuteTime", 0), P_DATA[playerid][MuteTime] = 0;
INI_WriteBool(pFile, "Frozen", false), P_DATA[playerid][Frozen] = false;
INI_WriteInt(pFile, "FreezeTime", 0), P_DATA[playerid][FreezeTime] = 0;
INI_WriteInt(pFile, "days", 0), P_DATA[playerid][days] = 0;
INI_WriteInt(pFile, "hours", 0), P_DATA[playerid][hours] = 0;
INI_WriteInt(pFile, "minutes", 0), P_DATA[playerid][minutes] = 0;
INI_WriteInt(pFile, "seconds", 0), P_DATA[playerid][seconds] = 0;
new JoinMessage[128];
format(JoinMessage, sizeof(JoinMessage), "{80FF00}%s({FFFFFF}%i{80FF00}){FFFFFF} has connected to the server for the first time!", ReturnName(playerid), playerid);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_WHITE, JoinMessage);
printf("Registering player %s(%d)!", ReturnName(playerid), playerid);
return 1;
pawn Code:
P_DATA[playerid][AdminLevel] = INI_ReadInt(pFile, "AdminLevel");