Stuck on Connecting

i have problem.
Everytime i join to some of server like The Matrix Stuntings, i always stuck at OnPlayerConnect screen
although the music still play. I try pressing T but the chat typing box didn't show.

I try press F9 or F7/8 didn't work too.

this problem doesn't happens in some server only in some of servers.


The only way to go back to desktop is to press the Windows Icon on Keyboard or Restart the PC

If its a major problem mate i'd suggest you to reinstall samp/gtasa.
Can you play singleplayer ?

Did you try connecting only on one server? If so, try to connect on others, on the other hand, if your samp is 0.3e it may be a factor too.. else if not, then reinstall your gta completely if possible

I make sure that the server i'm playing is 0.3e
Also i try reinstalling samp not gta sa.

best way is to re-install SA-MP or your GTA:Sa.

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