Adding MTA "CreateObject" problem!

Good evening all l have a little problem while putting MTA`s objects on the server.
When l create an object of any type with MTA and put it in the GM on OnGameModInit or OnPlayersSpawn it says that its compiled and that is working but when l go to the server and finde that place where I putted thous objects they arent there can someone pleas help?

Originally Posted by Spike Cena
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Good evening all l have a little problem while putting MTA`s objects on the server.
When l create an object of any type with MTA and put it in the GM on OnGameModInit or OnPlayersSpawn it says that its compiled and that is working but when l go to the server and finde that place where I putted thous objects they arent there can someone pleas help?
put it on gamemode init
you use create object or createdynamic object ?

l use bouth and it isnt working on any.
and it is on GameModinit

Originally Posted by Spike Cena
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l use bouth and it isnt working on any.
and it is on GameModinit
cpoy some code here ?

oh no need l menage to fix it l hope it will work for ever now.Thanks

Try adding this plugin, if you haven't already done so.

ye l have it but still it didnt work so l made an FS and put thous objects in there and just renamed them to CreateDynamicObject and its working,only thing is that its on FS but ok as long as it working

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