09.05.2012, 18:49
Heey all,
I am using RouteConnecter for making a gps system.
I made a test route but when i drive the wrong way the objects dont destroy.
The Code for creating the arrows:
How can i destroy the passed arrows?
Thanks Admigo
I am using RouteConnecter for making a gps system.
I made a test route but when i drive the wrong way the objects dont destroy.
-//Arrows that i need to follow to go to my location -//Arrows that i need to follow to go to my location -//Arrows that i need to follow to go to my location ^//my car is driving to the arrows x//I passed this arrows so i need to delete those x//I passed this arrows so i need to delete those x//I passed this arrows so i need to delete those x//I passed this arrows so i need to delete those
public GPS_WhenRouteIsCalculated(routeid,node_id_array[],amount_of_nodes,distance) { for(new i = 0; i < amount_of_nodes; ++i) { new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z,Float:A,Float:Ax,Float:Ay,Float:Az; GetNodePos(node_id_array[i],X,Y,Z); if(i < amount_of_nodes-3) { GetNodePos(node_id_array[i+3],Ax,Ay,Az); A =floatabs(270.0 - atan2( Ax-X,Ay-Y)); CreateDynamicObject(1318,X,Y,Z+0.2,0.0,90.0,A); }else if(i < amount_of_nodes-2) { GetNodePos(node_id_array[i+2],Ax,Ay,Az); A =floatabs(270.0 - atan2( Ax-X,Ay-Y)); CreateDynamicObject(1318,X,Y,Z+0.2,0.0,90.0,A); }else if(i < amount_of_nodes-1) { GetNodePos(node_id_array[i+1],Ax,Ay,Az); A =floatabs(270.0 - atan2( Ax-X,Ay-Y)); CreateDynamicObject(1318,X,Y,Z+0.2,0.0,90.0,A); } else { CreateDynamicObject(1318,X,Y,Z+0.2,0.0,0.0,0.0); } //printf("Point(%d)=NodeID(%d)",i,node_id_array[i]); } //Create(); SendClientMessage(routeid,-1,"Happy route!"); return 1; }
Thanks Admigo