Register and login system

I have a problem. I download this

But doesnґt work. My firend told me, that i download the mysql plgin. I download this..

Is this right or ?


Register & login in textdraws
MySQL based
Saving 4 variables (Admin, gamemaster, kills, deaths)
Real loading screen (Percentage, take a look on video for more )
Password must be beetwen 8 and 15 characters!
11 textdraws (6 created by server & 5 created per each player)

Yes the MySQL plugin is a requirement.

I download myql put them in "plugins" and mysql.ini i the "pawno/include" folder.

But it doesnґt work

Make sure that 'mysql' (without the quotes) is on the plugins line in the server.cfg file


plugins mysql
OR if your server is linux, you would need to have it as:
REMEMBER: If you are running a linux server, you will need to use a .so plugin, not a .dll

.dll = windows
.so = linux

Hope this helps!


Have you checked to see which type of plugin it is, whether it's the windows one or linux version? I tried to use the link you gave me but it gave me an error 404. Is this the one?

If it's linux you'd need to add a line on the server.cfg file: plugins
If it's windows you'd need to add a line on the server.cfg file: plugins mysql

I download that, my server is on windows.

I put on the server.cfg line "mysql".

But it doesnґt work. Have you teamwiever ?

One more thing before that, post the server log file here.

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3d-R2, ©2005-2011 SA-MP Team

[18:15:46] Server Plugins
[18:15:46] --------------
[18:15:46] Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.5 by Incognito loaded ***

[18:15:46] Loaded.
[18:15:46] Loading plugin: audio

*** Audio Plugin v0.4 by Incognito loaded ***

[18:15:46] Loaded.
[18:15:46] Loading plugin: sscanf

[18:15:46] ===============================

[18:15:46] sscanf plugin loaded.

[18:15:46] © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[18:15:46] ===============================

[18:15:46] Loaded.
[18:15:46] Loaded 3 plugins.

[18:15:46] Filterscripts
[18:15:46] ---------------
[18:15:46] Loading filterscript 'Vrijeme.amx'...
[18:15:46] FS [VRIJEME] LOADED
[18:15:46] --------------------------------------

[18:15:46] Loading filterscript 'textdrawporuke.amx'...
[18:15:46] Poruke by: edin
[18:15:46] --------------------------------------

[18:15:46] Loaded 2 filterscripts.

[18:15:46] my gamemode
[18:15:46] Radio BBC Radio Music pokrenut uspjesno (id:0)
[18:15:46] Radio Country Radio pokrenut uspjesno (id:1)
[18:15:46] Radio BBC Radio 1 pokrenut uspjesno (id:2)
[18:15:46] Radio BBC Radio 2 pokrenut uspjesno (id:3)
[18:15:46] Radio NonStopPlay Radio pokrenut uspjesno (id:4)
[18:15:46] Radio Tranzistor Radio pokrenut uspjesno (id:5)
[18:15:46] Radio Radio Velika Kladusa pokrenut uspjesno (id:6)
[18:15:46] [SCRIPT]: Loaded 1 Houses
[18:15:46] BizzInfo:0 Ownerrћavna Message:Top Guns Entfee:0 Till:21000 Products:66/500 Interior:1.

[18:15:46] BizzInfo:1 Ownerrћavna Message:~w~Gun Shop 2 Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:100/500 Interior:4.

[18:15:46] BizzInfo:2 Ownerrћavna Message:Kod Tony-a Uvjek Veselo Entfee:0 Till:40500 Products:84/500 Interior:1.

[18:15:46] BizzInfo:3 Ownerrzavno Message: Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:492/500 Interior:10.

[18:15:46] BizzInfo:4 Owner:Michael_Scofield Message:Glavna banka Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:99299/100000 Interior:0.

[18:15:46] BizzInfo:5 Ownerrћavna Message:deagle m4 Entfee:0 Till:1220 Products:59/500 Interior:1.

[18:15:46] BizzInfo:6 Owner:Leo_Wayne Message:Holdem xD Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:-32/500 Interior:1.

[18:15:46] BizzInfo:7 Ownerrћavna Message:~w~Ammunation 2 Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:89/500 Interior:1.

[18:15:46] Auto: 0 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 1 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 2 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 3 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 4 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 5 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 6 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 7 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 8 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 9 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 10 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 11 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 12 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 13 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 14 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 15 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 16 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 17 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 18 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 19 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 20 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 21 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 22 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 23 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 24 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 25 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 26 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 27 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 28 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 29 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 30 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 31 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 32 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 33 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 34 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 35 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 36 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 37 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 38 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 39 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 40 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 41 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 42 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 43 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 44 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 45 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 46 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 47 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 48 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 49 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 50 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 51 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 52 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] Auto: 53 Owner Vozila: License
[18:15:46] SBizzInfo:0 Owner:The State Message:~w~Bikes renting Entfee:5 Till:5345 Products:9999/100 Interior:0.

[18:15:46] SBizzInfo:1 Ownerrzavna Message:~w~Wang Cars Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:1000/100 Interior:0.

[18:15:46] SBizzInfo:2 Ownerrzavna Message:~w~Phone Company Entfee:0 Till:9446 Products:100/100 Interior:0.

[18:15:46] SBizzInfo:3 Ownerrzavna Message:~w~Gas Company Entfee:0 Till:14703 Products:999999/100 Interior:0.

[18:15:46] SBizzInfo:4 Ownerrzavna Message:~w~Electricity Company Entfee:0 Till:173 Products:100/100 Interior:0.

[18:15:46] SBizzInfo:5 Ownerrzavna Message:~w~Pay & Spray Entfee:0 Till:250421 Products:952/100 Interior:0.

[18:15:46] SBizzInfo:6 Ownerrzavna Message:. Entfee:0 Till:25880 Products:65/100 Interior:0.

[18:15:46] SBizzInfo:7 Ownerrzavna Message:Sunrise Satellite Co. Entfee:0 Till:980110 Products:9999999/100 Interior:0.

[18:15:46] SBizzInfo:8 Ownerrzavna Message:Un Named Entfee:0 Till:250 Products:97/100 Interior:0.

[18:15:46] SBizzInfo:9 Ownerrzavna Message:Local Store Entfee:0 Till:13170 Products:1000/100 Interior:0.

[18:15:46] SBizzInfo:10 Ownerrzavna Message:Jebite kod nas Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:89/100 Interior:0.

[18:15:46] SBizzInfo:11 Ownerrzavna Message:Kart Truck Race Entfee:0 Till:1000 Products:87/100 Interior:0.

[18:15:46] SBizzInfo:12 Ownerrzavna Message:~w~Kart Track Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:100/100 Interior:0.

[18:15:46] SBizzInfo:13 Ownerrzavna Message:~w~Kart Track Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:100/100 Interior:0.

[18:15:46] Family:0 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[18:15:46] Family:1 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[18:15:46] Family:2 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[18:15:46] Family:3 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[18:15:46] Family:4 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[18:15:46] Family:5 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[18:15:46] Family:6 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[18:15:46] Family:7 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[18:15:46] Family:8 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[18:15:46] Family:9 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[18:15:46] CK:0 Taken: 0 Sendername:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[18:15:46] CK:1 Taken: 0 Sendername:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[18:15:46] CK:2 Taken: 0 Sendername:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[18:15:46] CK:3 Taken: 0 Sendername:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[18:15:46] CK:4 Taken: 0 Sendername:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[18:15:46] CK:5 Taken: 0 Sendername:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[18:15:46] CK:6 Taken: 0 Sendername:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[18:15:46] CK:7 Taken: 0 Sendername:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[18:15:46] CK:8 Taken: 0 Sendername:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[18:15:46] CK:9 Taken: 0 Sendername:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[18:15:46] Paper:0 Used: 1 Maker:Takuma_Sato Title: jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fffffffffffffffffffffffffff Text1: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fffffffffffff Text2: Text3: Text4: Text5: Text6: Text7:
[18:15:46] Paper:1 Used: 0 Maker:0

Title: jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fffffffffffffffffffffffffff Text1: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fffffffffffff Text2: Text3: Text4: Text5: Text6: Text7:
[18:15:46] Paper:2 Used: 0 Maker:No Title. Title: I have no text inserted here yet. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here ye Text7: 0

[18:15:46] Paper:3 Used: 0 Maker:No-one. Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[18:15:46] Paper:4 Used: 0 Maker:шФД0 Title: 0

Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[18:15:46] Paper:5 Used: 0 Maker:No Title. Title: I have no text inserted here yet. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here ye Text7: 0

[18:15:46] Paper:6 Used: 0 Maker:No-one. Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[18:15:46] Paper:7 Used: 0 Maker:шФД0 Title: 0

Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[18:15:46] Paper:8 Used: 0 Maker:No Title. Title: I have no text inserted here yet. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here ye Text7: 0

[18:15:46] Paper:9 Used: 0 Maker:No-one. Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[18:15:46] AllowAdminTeleport() : function is deprecated. Please see OnPlayerClickMap()
[18:15:46] Pickups Max = 100, Current Pickups = 37


But in the RAR Folder from this FS, there is a test_able.sql

Who i put them ?

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3d-R2, ©2005-2011 SA-MP Team

[18:15:46] Server Plugins
[18:15:46] --------------
[18:15:46] Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.5 by Incognito loaded ***

[18:15:46] Loaded.
[18:15:46] Loading plugin: audio

*** Audio Plugin v0.4 by Incognito loaded ***

[18:15:46] Loaded.
[18:15:46] Loading plugin: sscanf

[18:15:46] ===============================

[18:15:46] sscanf plugin loaded.

[18:15:46] © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[18:15:46] ===============================

[18:15:46] Loaded.
[18:15:46] Loaded 3 plugins.

This clearly shows that it's not even attempting to load the MySQL plugin. You might of typed something wrong, make sure you check everything from the server.cfg to the actual plugin location itself.

Can you give me the link of the acutal plgun mysql. I didnґt find it.


But in the RAR Folder from this FS, there is a test_able.sql

Who i put them ?

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