Little Request with CMD:airstrike (rep+++)

HeY GuYs:

I want airstrike system using zcmd.
Like. CMD:airstrike(playerid,params[])

>I want like if u have 2000 scores and 10,000$ than u can use it other wise u can't. And when u type /airstrike than after 5 seconds it will explode at the location where u was standing last while typing /airstrike..

Please As request............ {Every one gets rep if try to help me}

For a realistic version of an airstrike i suggest:

1. Create the plane object at the players position(/airstrike) + 100.0 to the Z coordinate and - 200.0 to the Z coordinate.
2. Move the object from - 200.0 Z coordinate, to + 200.0 Z coordinate, and when the plane reaches 0.0(Right above the player), create multiple missile objects(The ones that explode) under the plane.
3. Move the missiles down at a desired speed(While finishing the plane movement, just before destroying the plane object) until it reaches 0.0 and boom, you have a airstrike at the players position(The players will have as long as the time it takes you to move the objects to get out of the way)

can u make for me please.....

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