28.04.2012, 16:15
Hello people, i recently released an include (ip locator). On my home server everything seems fine, it takes less than 1ms to respond. Michael@Belgium (http://forum.sa-mp.com/showpost.php?...6&postcount=26) reported in the thread that it takes time before he can login and go to class selection. Obviously it's no good me releasing an include that will mess peoples modes up. So i might have to remove it, if it is causing server hang.
Heres the include.
There are a few pointless array assignments there which i have removed from the next version. But i don't think that's the problem.
Any help or advice will be most welcome and appreciated.
Heres the include.
pawn Код:
#if !defined _samp_included
#tryinclude <a_samp>
#if !defined _samp_included
#error "Can't find file "a_samp". Are your includes in the correct directory?"
#if !defined HTTP
#tryinclude <a_http>
#if !defined HTTP
#error "Can't find file "a_http". Are your includes in the correct directory?"
#define MAX_COUNTRY_NAME (64)
#define MAX_CITY_NAME (64)
#define HTTP_REQUEST_IP ("api.hostip.info/get_html.php?ip=")
new g_HasORIL = 1;
forward hostip_Response(playerid, response_code, data[]);
forward OnRetrieveIpLocation(playerid, country[]);
public hostip_Response(playerid, response_code, data[])
if( g_HasORIL != -1 )
if( response_code == 200 )
szCountryBuff[ MAX_COUNTRY_NAME ];
while( data[ _itr ] != EOS )
if( _itr == MAX_COUNTRY_NAME -1)
szCountryBuff[ _itr ] = EOS;
if( data[ _itr ] == '\n')
szCountryBuff[ _itr ] = EOS;
szCountryBuff[ _citr++ ] = data[ _itr++ ];
if( szCountryBuff[0] == '(' )
strdel( szCountryBuff, 0, sizeof(szCountryBuff) );
strcat( szCountryBuff, "private country" );
CallLocalFunction( "OnRetrieveIpLocation", "ds", playerid, szCountryBuff );
else printf("<IPLocator Error> HTTP response code: %d", response_code );
else printf("<IPLocator Error> iploc included but the function OnRetrieveIpLocation was not found.");
// CALLBACK HOOKS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#if defined FILTERSCRIPT
public OnFilterScriptInit()
print(" Iggys Ip Locator Loaded.");
g_HasORIL = funcidx("OnRetrieveIpLocation");
if(funcidx("iploc_OnFilterScriptInit") != -1)
return CallLocalFunction("iploc_OnFilterScriptInit", "");
return 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnFilterScriptInit
#undef OnFilterScriptInit
#define _ALS_OnFilterScriptInit
#define OnFilterScriptInit iploc_OnFilterScriptInit
forward iploc_OnFilterScriptInit();
public OnGameModeInit()
print(" Iggys Ip Locator Loaded.");
g_HasORIL = funcidx("OnRetrieveIpLocation");
if (funcidx("iploc_OnGameModeInit") != -1)
return CallLocalFunction("iploc_OnGameModeInit", "");
return 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnGameModeInit
#undef OnGameModeInit
#define _ALS_OnGameModeInit
#define OnGameModeInit iploc_OnGameModeInit
forward iploc_OnGameModeInit();
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
if( g_HasORIL != -1 )
_szIP[ 16 ],
_szTmpStr[ 128 ];
GetPlayerIp( playerid, _szIP, 16 );
strcat( _szTmpStr, HTTP_REQUEST_IP );
strcat( _szTmpStr, _szIP );
HTTP( playerid, HTTP_GET, _szTmpStr, "", "hostip_Response");//request location of ip and send it to hostip_Response
if(funcidx("iploc_OnPlayerConnect") != -1)
return CallLocalFunction("iploc_OnPlayerConnect", "i", playerid) != -1;
return 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerConnect
#undef OnPlayerConnect
#define _ALS_OnPlayerConnect
#define OnPlayerConnect iploc_OnPlayerConnect
forward iploc_OnPlayerConnect(playerid);
Any help or advice will be most welcome and appreciated.