
I was doing some shit restarting my server and it couldn't connect to MySQL anymore :

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3d, ©2005-2011 SA-MP Team

[15:55:50] Server Plugins
[15:55:50] --------------
[15:55:50]  Loading plugin: wp
[15:55:50]  ==================
[15:55:50]   Whirlpool loaded
[15:55:50]  ==================
[15:55:50]   Loaded.
[15:55:50]  Loading plugin: sscanf

[15:55:50]  ===============================

[15:55:50]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[15:55:50]    © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[15:55:50]    0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"

[15:55:50]  ===============================

[15:55:50]   Loaded.
[15:55:50]  Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.6 by Incognito loaded ***

[15:55:50]   Loaded.
[15:55:50]  Loading plugin: mysql

  > MySQL plugin R5 successfully loaded.

[15:55:50]   Loaded.
[15:55:50]  Loading plugin: irc

*** IRC Plugin v1.4.2 by Incognito loaded ***

[15:55:50]   Loaded.
[15:55:50]  Loading plugin: GeoIP_Plugin
[15:55:50] GeoIP_Plugin got loaded.
[15:55:50]   Loaded.
[15:55:50]  Loaded 6 plugins.

[15:55:50] Ban list
[15:55:50] --------
[15:55:50]  Loaded: samp.ban
[15:55:50] Filterscripts
[15:55:50] ---------------
[15:55:50]   Loading filterscript 'object.amx'...
[15:55:50] yEditor 0.6b by ylleron
[15:55:50] -----------------------

[15:55:50]   Loading filterscript 'fuel.amx'...
Realistic fuel system by Srdjan loaded.

[15:55:50]   Loading filterscript 'DVC.amx'...
[15:55:50] Devon's Vehicle Commands by Devon Berry: Initiated.
[15:55:50] -------------------------------------------------

[15:55:50]   Loading filterscript 'vip.amx'...
[15:55:50] [Checkpoint Manager : Version 0.1.1b] System Initialized...
[15:55:50] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (1) at slot 0
[15:55:50] Checkpoint Position: { -1754.191406, 964.021484, 24.890600 }
[15:55:50] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (2) at slot 1
[15:55:50] Checkpoint Position: { 1727.033203, -1637.838500, 20.222900 }
[15:55:50] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (3) at slot 2
[15:55:50] Checkpoint Position: { 1721.943115, -1661.231323, 20.230400 }
[15:55:50]   Loaded 4 filterscripts.

[15:55:51] sscanf error: System not initialised.
[15:55:51] -----------------------------------------------------------------
[15:55:51] Script: Vortex Roleplay 2 by Calgon and Brian.
[15:55:51] Status: Loaded OnGameModeInit, running version 1.0
[15:55:51] -----------------------------------------------------------------
[15:55:51]  ======================================= 
[15:55:51]  |                                     | 
[15:55:51]  |        YSI version 1.03.0011        | 
[15:55:51]  |        By Alex "******" Cole        | 
[15:55:51]  |                                     | 
[15:55:51]  |  Checking the latest YSI version..  | 
[15:55:51]  |                                     | 
[15:55:51]  ======================================= 
[15:55:51] main() has been called.
[15:55:51] Number of vehicle models: 7
[15:55:51] errorid: 1046 | error: No database selected | resultid: -1 | extraid: -1 | callback: NULL | query: UPDATE playeraccounts SET playerStatus = '0' WHERE playerStatus = '1'
[15:55:51] errorid: 1046 | error: No database selected | resultid: 8 | extraid: 0 | callback: OnQueryFinish | query: SELECT * FROM vehicles
[15:55:51] errorid: 1046 | error: No database selected | resultid: 9 | extraid: 0 | callback: OnQueryFinish | query: SELECT * FROM houses
[15:55:51] errorid: 1046 | error: No database selected | resultid: 10 | extraid: 0 | callback: OnQueryFinish | query: SELECT * FROM jobs
[15:55:51] errorid: 1046 | error: No database selected | resultid: 11 | extraid: 0 | callback: OnQueryFinish | query: SELECT * FROM groups
[15:55:51] errorid: 1046 | error: No database selected | resultid: 13 | extraid: 0 | callback: OnQueryFinish | query: SELECT * FROM assets
[15:55:51] errorid: 1046 | error: No database selected | resultid: 27 | extraid: 0 | callback: OnQueryFinish | query: SELECT * FROM businessitems
[15:55:51] errorid: 1046 | error: No database selected | resultid: 14 | extraid: 0 | callback: OnQueryFinish | query: SELECT * FROM businesses
[15:55:51] errorid: 1046 | error: No database selected | resultid: 21 | extraid: 0 | callback: OnQueryFinish | query: SELECT * FROM atms

Do the databases exist? in seems it cannot find them.

You haven't selected a database.

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