Teamspeak 3 - Need little help

So hello!

I am not good with TS3 stuff specially when I want to make it look nice...

So I am looking for some guides or help if someone is good with it, basically I made few channels that only one custom made Server Group can join, no on else, I think you need to do some join power stuff?

So for example Server Group - Community Staff, channel Community Staff Channel - Sub Channel - Beta Tester Lounge. and only the server group can join it.

Thank you!
if you know how to do it please let me know or if you know where I can find some good guides about this what I mean.

Yeah I can help you out. I used TS3 not that much I used TS2 a lot but it didn't change that much I can try to help you out .

Aite let me know what I have to do.

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