is there something new to remove a specific yellow marker?

heey i haven't played or even scripted sa-mp in 15 months. and 0.3d is now out a while i think? and is there an option to remove only 1 specific yellow marker (when you enter a house or something)?
if not, can someone just give me the code to remove m all?

No, there is not.

Originally Posted by MP2
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No, there is not.
k but is this it?
pawn Код:
can i disable from inside interiour only? or will that to both? damn i wish we could just disable the ones you want

That will disable them ALL, inside AND out.

Well, instead of disabling the ones you want, you can do something else! Disable them all and make your own on the ones you want!

hmm okay. why isn't there a script to do this, to just disable 1? i don't understand why but okay

pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit()
   //Rest of code here//
   return 1;

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