[FilterScript] Dynamic Chatgroup System


This filterscript allows to create dynamic chatgroups, password them and eventually kick unwanted players from the group. Using y_ini also auto-saves the groups in just one file!

Command Description
/gc [text] Send text to your chatgroup, a.k.a chat.
/creategroup [groupname] Creates a new chatgroup. Defining "RCON_ADMIN_CREATE_ONLY" will allow RCON-admins to create groups only.
/joingroup [groupid] Join a chatgroup. Joining will allow you to chat and see other messages. If the group is passworded, you will have to provide a password.
/leavegroup Leave your current chatgroup
/chatgroups Shows the currently created chatgroups, with their owner and groupname.
/grouppass Allows you to set/remove a group password. Typing this command without parameters removes the password. You must be the owner of the group to use this command.
/kickfromgroup Kick a member from the group. You must be the owner of the group to use this command.
/groupinfo Shows group information such as group name, owner, date of creation and the amount of users on it.
Additional information
I have fully tested the script and no bugs were found. However, if you still manage to find one, please report it right here and I fix it as soon as possible. Also new suggestions will be appreciated.

Download (v1.01)
Download from Pastebin

"Will see now" xD
Edit: nice work


Great script, works well.


cant compile

C:\Documents and Settings\PC_gebruiker\Bureaublad\pornntroll\filter scripts\chatg.pwn(195) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
C:\Documents and Settings\PC_gebruiker\Bureaublad\rtrollolol\filter scripts\chatg.pwn(26 : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

the person who helps me gets a lot of reputation points

1 Error.


Where you put this in?


Originally Posted by gangsterm
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cant compile

C:\Documents and Settings\PC_gebruiker\Bureaublad\pornntroll\filter scripts\chatg.pwn(195) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
C:\Documents and Settings\PC_gebruiker\Bureaublad\rtrollolol\filter scripts\chatg.pwn(26 : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

the person who helps me gets a lot of reputation points

1 Error.
About line 195: Are you on 0.3e? If not, update to it.
About line 268: Add ,"" to the end and it will be fixed. It happes because I edited ShowPlayerDialog to make the last button parameter optional

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