Another SQLite Problem...

Well.. I have this command:
pawn Код:
CMD:freeze( playerid, params[ ] )
    new u_P;
    if( unformat( params, "u", u_P ) )                  return Send_Usage( playerid, "[PlayerID]", "Will freeze a specified player, he will cannot freeze-evade!" );
    if( u_P  == ( 0xFFFF ) )                            return eInfo( playerid, "Player not connected" );
    if( u_P  == playerid )                              return eInfo( playerid, "You cannot freeze yourself" );
    if( Bit1_Get( g_iBit1_p_DATA[ p_Frozen ], u_P ) )   return eInfo( playerid, "Player is already frozen" );
    FreezePlayer( u_P );

    return ( 1 );
And this function:
pawn Код:
FreezePlayer( playerid )
    new Query[ 256 ];
    format( Query, sizeof Query, "INSERT INTO `Frozen` VALUES('%s', '%s')", GetPlayerIpEx( playerid ), pName( playerid ) );
    DB::query( g_dbKeptAlive, Query );

    Bit1_Set( g_iBit1_p_DATA[ p_Frozen ], playerid, 1 );
    TogglePlayerControllable( playerid, false );
    return ( 1 );
And the command doesn't write in the Database, any ideas why ?

You must define Colums in which to write.
pawn Код:
format( Query, sizeof Query, "INSERT INTO `Frozen` (`IP`,`Name`) VALUES('%s', '%s')", GetPlayerIpEx( playerid ), pName( playerid ) );

Same thing...

If you have a primary key in 'Frozen' you need to make sure it's set to auto increment.

I don't have any Primary Key...
pawn Код:
db_query(g_dbKeptAlive, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Frozen` (`IP` TEXT,`Name` TEXT)")

Hmm, guys ?

If the database already has that player in frozen table, you will need to run an "UPDATE" query instead of "INSERT". I'm no expert in SQL but i think that might be your problem.

EDIT: I thought you was setting values in the DB not just adding entries sorry.

... I'm not so 'newbie' in SQLite, and no, it doesn't write it in the Database...
The player isn't in the *.db

Yeah i edited my post i should have read your code properly.

No problem, but I'm going mad because this snippet of code doesn't work...

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