Question About Cops And Robbers!

Okay i rly want ask this question what guys you think is more funny in cops robber to make him nice

Cops can use /ar = arrest robbers

or Cops And Everyone Belong to cop use /drag to drag player in car then from car to Jail Checkpoint ??

Please answer would give me Result

/ar is better

Using the new cuffs in 0.3e would be good.

In my server you had to use /cuff before using /ar. In the upcoming update, I made it so only /ar is mandatory. More noob friendly. You can still use /cuff for bribes and what-not.

much beter is /drag .

Why not use both? /ar and /drag. /drag is more work so the cop will earn more cash and points?

Originally Posted by ThomasP
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Why not use both? /ar and /drag. /drag is more work so the cop will earn more cash and points?
He meant by /ar to send him in jail dirrectly
But with /drag to put him in cop's car and bring him to LSPD/SFPD/LVPD

/drag is more rp /ar is better

Originally Posted by Hoss
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He meant by /ar to send him in jail dirrectly
But with /drag to put him in cop's car and bring him to LSPD/SFPD/LVPD
Yes, but /ar does not take much work, they just go straight to jail. /drag makes you drop the criminal off somewhere, then they go the jail. /drag is a lot more work than /ar so as I said, the cop should get more points and cash for /drag than they would if they just used /ar

+Role play people may like /drag more as its more realistic, so as i said i would go with using both in the game mode so players have a choice in what they want to use

ThomasP thank you very much this rly Solve for me problem

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