OnPlayerUpdate not being called when towing trailer

This is really annoying, because I have a trucking mission and I cancel the mission if players pause. If they sit still for a few seconds it will kick them, as OnPlayerUpdate isn't being called when they are stationary. I tried to record it with FRAPS, but when FRAPS is recording it doesn't happen, so perhaps it is FPS based. This really needs to be fixed though, because it's causing a lot of problems, not just for me for others too. I tested using this code:

pawn Код:
new opu_updates[MAX_PLAYERS];

public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
    new updatestring[24];
    format(updatestring, sizeof(updatestring), "~W~UPDATES: ~Y~%i", updates[playerid]);
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, updatestring, 3000, 3);
    return 1;
After attaching a trailer (either manually or with AttachTrailerToVehicle), I didn't move and the updates stopped, until I moved again.

Only seems to happen if you don't move

For now you can use SetVehicleVelocity before you mark them as away/alt-tabbed
It will call OnPlayerUpdate if they are still ingame

pawn Код:
new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z;
new vid=GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);

Could this be fixed in 0.3e?

There is also the bug that the trailer becomes attached and disattached successively unlimited times if you drive the truck.

For other players? Yeah that's a sync bug, but not really important.

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