[Tutorial] GangZones

Well, did you even test your example ?

MIN X = 2505.0696 <- WRONG, 2466.7537 is smaller
MIN Y = -1654.5638 <- WRONG, -1686.3413 is smaller
MAX X = 2466.7537 <- WRONG , 2505.0696 is bigger
MAX Y = -1686.3413 <- WRONG, -1654.5638 is bigger
This also applies to this:
pawn Код:
GROVE = GangZoneCreate(2505.8362, -1649.8331, 2473.1072, -1687.1586);
 //                    minx          miny         maxx       maxy
// Grove
Actually you don't need to save your position at 4 spots to create a rectancle / sqaure.
2 SAVE + 4 SAVE or 1 SAVE + 3 SAVE.

Messages In This Thread
GangZones - by Trawltrawl - 08.04.2012, 10:25
Re: GangZones - by PjFord - 08.04.2012, 19:56
Re: GangZones - by Max_Coldheart - 08.04.2012, 19:58
Re: GangZones - by Goldkiller - 08.04.2012, 20:07
Re: GangZones - by Trawltrawl - 09.04.2012, 12:51
Re: GangZones - by PjFord - 09.04.2012, 16:29
Re: GangZones - by System64 - 09.04.2012, 18:12
Re: GangZones - by Trawltrawl - 09.04.2012, 18:41

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