how get textdrawtextsize?

I make a textdraw with the zamaroth`s textdraw editor, but I don`t no how get, TextDrawTextSize for click textdraw...

	Textdraw1 = TextDrawCreate(524.000000, 201.000000, "1");
	TextDrawBackgroundColor(Textdraw1, 255);
	TextDrawFont(Textdraw1, 3);
	TextDrawTextSize(Textdraw1,350.0,12.9); // dont work
	TextDrawLetterSize(Textdraw1, 0.350000, 1.299999);
	TextDrawColor(Textdraw1, -1);
	TextDrawSetOutline(Textdraw1, 1);
	TextDrawSetProportional(Textdraw1, 1);
in a command write: "SelectTextdraw(playerid,color);", now going to test, but doesn`t works...

sorry my bad english.

Add TextDrawAlignment(Textdraw1, 2);
And TextDrawTextSize(Textdraw1, 5, 5);

To get the right textdrawtextsize you just have to try different values.

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