simple aka help

can anyone tell me howto script /Aka cmd? with that cmd we can get player's alt account names. and how to make rangeban command, plz tell me i will rep + you.

This isn't a script request thread, as you are technically requesting a command.

Anyways, you could probably do this by making a section in you're player file named alt accounts and whenever a player makes a new account, it gets his IP, checks the IP to see if it matches other player files, and adds the names to eachother player files.

For example, I decide to make 3 accounts.

I make one named Stev, he is then made. I then make one named Stevo, and it matches the IP with Stev, so Stev gets an alt account named Stevo while Stevo gets Stev. Then, I decide to make one called Steve, and it matches two other accounts, hence forth getting each other put into one anothers player files.

To be honest, not sure if this is possible, just thought this would be a way to do it.

If no one replies to this in 15 hours or so and you still need help, i'll see what I can do, as I am going off to bed.

If your using the default samp.ban file, just "/rcon banip ip.ip.*.*" for rangeban.
If you have a custom banscript, you'd need to show us your code

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