SAMP Debug Help!

In SAMP Debug, how in the name of god do you spawn a vehicle

I tried /vsel, /v [ID], /vehmenu, /vehctrl, /vehicleselect, etc, but I dont find it!! and yes I tried /vehicle too :P

It's /v [ID] in the textbox.

Check SAMP wiki for car ids. If nothing spawns, you've used an invalid id. Eg: Do "/v 55" for a windsor.

Originally Posted by freddy smyth
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It's /v [ID] in the textbox.

Check SAMP wiki for car ids. If nothing spawns, you've used an invalid id. Eg: Do "/v 55" for a windsor.
I tried to press T(ype) and then write in /V 402 (For Buffalo), but, I get replied SERVER: Unknown Command.

Seriously.. Nobody knows how to spawn a vehicle in SAMP Debug? Please, tell me the correct command. I receive only "SERVER: Unknown Command" every time I manage to type /v 402 or 55 or w/e CAR ID

What for you use debug for? use normal server get a car then use /save

hmmh.. true that xD

Well, actually pretty impossible when there are no vehicles in game to be honest. That's why..

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