

I'm about to finish my server and i need a nice logo.
If you have free time or nothing to do you can make this.

I'm not asking a professional because i don't have money, i'm asking for someone modest not with interesests.
If you decided to do this i will give you some hints of how i want it.

1: Background Image - This is a Drifting server and i want something with an elegy in full drift angle if it possible, if not just put an elegy standing somewhere.
2: Text - Use your creativity but i want to be included the words "Drift World" in it.
3: Size - Choose a horizontal and vertical size that may fit to my signature.
4: Colours - I want it to be gray or dark

I'm too lazy and i don't have much time to learn photoshop, i work hardly on that server

Originally Posted by Rock1
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I'm too lazy and i don't have much time to learn photoshop, i work hardly on that server
Well if you're too lazy, then why should WE even bother?

Originally Posted by Jansish
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Well if you're too lazy, then why should WE even bother?
READ first post!

If you have free time or nothing to do...
I have not forced anyone to do it.

I Could help you but i sucks at PS

Originally Posted by KeeDee
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I Could help you but i sucks at PS
Ohh..i don't see with what you can help me if you don't know photoshop but thanks anyway, i appreciate your motivation to help

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