20.03.2012, 03:43
Ok ! Well, my GM is in DCMD and i would like to program jobs for it. The problem is that it would be MUCH MORE EASY for me to program it in normal scripting !
So , I was wondering if I could do a jobs FS that would be relied to my GM and that could edit HasJob(which only needs to be changed to =1 to say he has a job for the paycheck. and JobType(which would be the JobID ! ) on the PlayerInfo.txt
Thanks for helping me and make sure ( if you can xD ) that your explanations are clear and if you can add exemples or coding it would be SO MUCH apreciated !
) Thanks a lot lot lot lot !

enum pInfo { Viplvl, Logged, Money, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, HasJob, JobType, HasBank, AdminLevel, Spawned, PickupRef[50], KickRef, AdminRef, Mute, Login, PlayerLoc, BankPin, PinRef, InCall, CallTo, VehRef, Float:gHP, IsShot }