20.03.2012, 03:31
Hiya everyone ! Thanks for at least checking my post ! So here is my problem today ! : I wanna do a /stats command that show the player his stats with SendClientMessage(playerid, colorid, "/statsinfo ");
All the player stats are stocked on a file. In GM , the variables looks like this :
So remember, all i want is to the player to write a DCMD cmd that will show him his stats ( only the ones that matters but put in like 2-3 and i should be ok with the rest i think :/ ) Anyway , thanks a lot for helping me!
Second problem : (to prevent double post xd ) As you can see , i added the variable Viplvl, up there in the code but, the point is that there is nothing relied to it !
How could I add the player a vip lvl of 1 ? ( after that i should be ok with the 2 or tree other levels and for the VIPlevel scripting. Therefor, i dont know if i can use normal language scripting in a GM that uses DCMD
( 3 questions now ! ) So !! Again , thanks a lot for helping/trying to helping me as im s**k in english hehehe ! Tell me if i made myself unclear**
All the player stats are stocked on a file. In GM , the variables looks like this :
{ Viplvl, Logged, Money, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, HasJob, JobType, HasBank, AdminLevel, Spawned, PickupRef[50], KickRef, AdminRef, Mute, Login, PlayerLoc, BankPin, PinRef, InCall, CallTo, VehRef, Float:gHP, IsShot } new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][pInfo];
Second problem : (to prevent double post xd ) As you can see , i added the variable Viplvl, up there in the code but, the point is that there is nothing relied to it !