Cashbox Filterscript Problem

Hey all, i have a problem, I downloaded Sandra`s Cashbox V2, and edited it a little bit. The problems with her script was:

1. [FIXED] When the script announce the players the game is started, (mode 2) instead of letting the players write /cashboxhint (/servieta in my case) to SetPlayerCameraPos and SetPlayerCameraLookAt, it does it automatically, without typing /cashboxhint, but if you write /cashboxhint after that, it works, well i fixed that.

2. [FIXED] After you got the cashbox at the destination and got your money, the red checkpoint woudn`t dissapear, fixed.

3. [NOT FIXED] After you got the cashbox to the destination, get the money, everything is fine. When a new game starts, and you write /cashboxhint to see where the cashbox is, it says ID 65553(that invalid id) already took the cashbox ( A luat deja servieta, in my case ). I tried fixing it, but then it said Routzi (ID 1) already took the cashbox (a luat servieta).

I dont know how the hell to solve the 3rd problem, please help me.

And after a player took the cashox, I want a command, /locate, which works just like the comand /find, but without skill/waiting. You type /locate playername, and it shows you a checkpoint on the map where the casbhoxowner is, and it only works with it, i mean if you type /locate another player, it doesen`t work. Please help me.

Sorry for bad english.
I appreciate your help.

EDIT: here is the .pwn

I solved it, a friend of mine gave me the same script, edited by him, but everything was just like mine, i dont know why it didn`t worked.


I`ve got another problem, i still don`t have the /locate command, can someone make it for me please? I really don`t know how. I want it to be just like /find command, but without waiting and no skill, and to work only when the cashbox game is activated, and only on the cash box owner.
Thank you

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