[FilterScript] [FS] Dragons Administration System - Dadmin - Version One Point Five

Dragons Administration System
One Point Five
[M]Mave - Helped me get into scripting with XSU.
Snipe - Help with [id] commands without dcmd.

Everything in red is not in Version One.

/alogin [password] - Change the password inside the filter script. Default password is password.
/alogout - Log out of admin.
/admins - See what admins are online.
/kick [id] - Kick an id.
/ban [id] - Ban an id.
/exit - Shut down server.
/gmx - Restart the server.
/freeze [id] - Freeze an id.
/unfreeze [id] - Unfreeze an id.
/goto [id] - Go to an id.
/gethere [id] - Bring an id to you.
/v [id] [id] [id] - Spawn a car, with optional color ids.
/ann [text] - Announce a piece of text.
/explode [id] - Explode an id.
/a [text] - Say a piece of text only to admins.
/getall - Teleport everyone to you.
/explodeall - Explode everyone. No longer in beta.
/jail [id] - Send an id to jail. Disables commands.
/unjail [id] - Take someone out of jail
/wire [id] - Stop an id from talking
/unwire [id] - Let someone talk again
/crash [id] - Crash an ids game. Currently in beta.
/akill [id] - Auto kill an id.
/an [text] - Say a piece of admins text to eveyone.
/disable [id] - Disable an ids commands.
/reable [id] - Reable an ids commands.

Updates: (These will be added in future versions)
/aregister [password] - Register your account with a password
/alogin [password] - Login to your account with your password.
/setlevel - Set someones admin level. One to three.
Admin levels will be added. They will be divided in three cats.
/giveweapon [ID] [Weaponid] [Ammo]
/giveweaponall [Weaponid] [Ammo]
/muteall - /wireall
/heal [ID] [Health]
/healall [Health]
/armour [ID] [Armour]
/armourall [Armour]
/t [playerid] to [playerid]
Anything you (the public) suggest.

Commands are disabled in jail.
Admins can see PMs.
All commands and logins are displayed in the server log.
Admins logout for no reason repeatedly.

Download (Version One Point Five):
Direct Link
Paste Bin
Media Fire

Download (Version One):
Direct Link
Paste Bin
Media Fire

Sorry for unknown glitches you probably will find.

cool dragon keep the good work


Very Nice, Kepp it Up, Can't Wait For Version 2!!

thx man! i will try this it!

Good job!


Very good nice work xD.

nice :T

looks like a simple admin system with most usefull commands. I am gonna use it.

lol nice update :T

Err could i suggest some things for 2.0 maybe?

/giveweapon [ID] [Weaponid] [Ammo]
/giveweaponall [Weaponid] [Ammo]
/muteall - /wireall
/heal [ID] [Health]
/healall [Health]
/armour [ID] [Armour]
/armourall [Armour]

You dont have to do them but just some suggestions i would like to see ;]

omg you released it yay!

anyway, NICE

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