opcode when creating an object

When creating object 1374 (railroad crossing barrier) this opcode appears:

(opcode 0x108): Exception 0xC0000005 at 0x59F7A8

The barrier starts to open as soon as it is created, which I assume is the source of the problem.

EDIT: Also crash when creating 1383 and 1386.



Created (without problems): 1374, 1383

Bug: 1386 - This object failed to appear (Maybe too small)

Crashed: 16329, 1382, 1385 - These objects crashed me when I tried to delete them

Test Script (Awful Coding, just quickly thrown it together) : http://pastebin.com/zTSPzwqs

Tested with 0.3e, but I doubt it's any different. I'm not using a streamer, are you?

I think the bug occurs when there is a train nearby, so that the barrier tries to turn but it is not supported by SA-MP, making it bugged.

Sorry for the huge bump, but i also would like to confirm this issue by any means.

@Rac3r: Exactly, you're right, the object with ID 1374 can be created smoothly; the real problem occurs only, when you're about destroying it. At that point, the a client warning always appears (with or w/o a streamer) with the opcode, mentioned by MP2 above. In addition, after some creation-destroy, it'll even crash the whole client.

On the other hand, the object's functionality is perfect (idk, whether it's synched too, or not), but every single time, when the barrier closes/opens because of a train, an other warning opcode (Warning(s007): Exception 0xC0000005 at 0x5A0C34) appears and after it happens 3-4 times, it'll also crash the game.

Kind regards,

P.S.: Sorry in case, that it was discussed before somewhere, or it's already a commonly know bug/problem, i just couldn't find any other valuable topic, regarding of this subject.

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