Lag on SAMP


I have reinstalled my windows before one week. I had not this problem before. When I am in the towns or somewhere where are placed many roadblocks I start lagging. This was not a big problem but now this made me angry. My fps goes automatically on 48 I think the problem does not come from there. My video card is NVIDIA GeForce 9400 GT 1024. I have no mods and others things that can affect on game. I have no problem with singleplayer only with SAMP. So, please help me..

Go to Options > Display settings > Advanced > Visual FX quality and set it to low and also type /fpslimit 20

It is better but this affects so bad to my graphic

Try upgrading your graphics card if you are using a tower style PC. If you are using a laptop, it may be time to consider upgrading.

It aint because of the video drivers.

In my experience samp works better on windows xp. I installed xp on my desktop cuz samp was lagging with windows 7 on it, i got intel quad core cpu and GF gt460 graphic card but still the game run better on XP.
i mostly experienced the lag while driving cars and turning left or right.

I had the same problem a few weeks ago. I had looked for something to "cure" the whole game but I couldn't find anything, so please listen to what I am going to say. I reinstalled SAMP on a new user account without any mods and installed a streamer or something like this. I haven't got any problems so far, wish me luck. Tell me if I helped you.

Originally Posted by MAD_MAH
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It aint because of the video drivers.
I was not hinting to the drivers.. the video performance could be laggy because of an out dated video card. The higher the GPU Ram, the faster/better the graphics.

I have just realized that everything moves faster than before. May be this is the problem that causes lag.

I made a thread a couple hours ago, related to the same thing. Here is my post:

I have been playing SA-MP for around 4-5 years, I have been playing on my current system for about 2 1/2 years. I am experiencing some FPS issues. When I am just driving alone everything runs smoothly. When I come in contact with other players or shooting, etc, etc, it lags like crazy, literally it's choppy. It even makes my music playing chop up. I have no idea how to fix it... I've tried everything. I know it is not my computer specs, because I play games like ARMA 2 and GTA 4, etc. It seems like a graphics card driver issue, but I tried updating. Any help?

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