Does the NPC spawn properly?

Hello everyone,

I wanna play back a record of a taxi ride after the registration, on which the player is put on the passenger seat of the bot's taxi. The NPC's name is [BOT]playerid, in which the playerid is stored in another variable (pID). Everything ongoing (which has to do with the player) is solved with this pID.
My problem is now, that I can register properly, the NPC spawns and I sit in the taxi, that's also driving properly. But as soon as another player registers (and another NPC connects) I get put in his taxi and switch between both of these taxis every few seconds (which is pretty annoying as you may imagine).
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
    new pName[24];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, 24);
        new pID[3];
        strmid(pID, pName, 5, sizeof(pName)+1);
        SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 5);
        PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, spawnCarTaxi[strval(pID)], 0);
        SetPlayerTime(strval(pID), 02, 10);
        SetPlayerWeather(strval(pID), 18);
        PutPlayerInVehicle(strval(pID), spawnCarTaxi[strval(pID)], 3);
        SetTimerEx("RegTimer", 5000, false, "iii", strval(pID), 1, 1);
        new bName[24];
        format(bName, 24, "[BOT]%i", playerid);
        GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 40000);
        spawnCarTaxi[playerid] = SetVehicleNumberPlate(CreateVehicle(420,1,1,1,1,6,6,100), "SA/SF-1337");
        ConnectNPC(bName, "dynamicREGISTER");
    return 1;
A friend looked over it, but he didn't see any errors in reasoning (nor do I).
So I ask here, if somebody's able to help me.


Can nobody help?

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