[FilterScript] RPos Saving System v1.0 (Good for Roleplay Server!)

RPos Saving System v1.0 (dini/zcmd)

Reklez's Position Saving System is a good system for Roleplay Server.
it uses dini/zcmd. i know commonly RP Server uses strcmp. You can convert ZCMD
to strcmp easily (if your not lazy). You can edit the script but remember credits to me.

What it does do?

it saves your position when you use /savepos.
You can easily load it again with /loadpos. the Position file will be save at
"RPos/%s.ini" you can change the saving location. RPos is related to Roleplay Server
once again it uses dini and zcmd. you can reset your pos back to 0 by using /resetmypos.
to see all RPos Saving System command use /rposhelp

here is the command listed below:

Did you need it for your server or RP Server? Try it!

Reklez's Position Saving System v1.0

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HHmmmmmMM..Nice work But simple !

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