04.03.2012, 07:52
Okay I Know the convertFFS.com to change .map into that CreateObject Shit But whats the right Format to Make it and Fs For example Look:
Is it OnFilterScriptInIt?
Other Kind of Format
So what Im asking for Is Like whats The right format to Make The Map into a FS.
Please Help.
Is it OnFilterScriptInIt?
#include <a_samp> #define FilterScript public OnFilterScriptInit() // Or is it OnGameModeInIt ) CreateObject(18449,6353.79980469,719.00000000,-28.60000038,0.00000000,0.00000000,0.00000000); //object(cs_roadbridge01) (1)
Other Kind of Format
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <a_samp> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma tabsize 0 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define COLOR_BLUE 0x0000FF00 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public OnGameModeInit() { CreateObject(18450, 370.6845703125, -1694.720703125, 15.628363609314, 0, 0, 89.434204101563);
So what Im asking for Is Like whats The right format to Make The Map into a FS.
Please Help.