How to remove the command limit?

I run a server every once in a while that me and my friends play on, and I was wondering how to remove the 'no more than one command within two seconds' rule, and how to remove 'do not repeat yourself' rule

It's annoying that it was added automatically in the last update, and I couldn't find anything in the Grand Larceny filterscript about it

Any help would be appreciated, thanks

Can you show us what's in the callbacks OnPlayerCommandText and OnPlayerText?

That script doesnt have such a rule in it as far as i know. You probably got some filterscript running, are you using any anticheat system?

Hey, thanks guys, I didn't think to check all the filterscripts that the server automatically ran when it started up.
In baseaf it had the commands time limit, and it should be fixed since I removed it. Thanks again!

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