teach me with this.

Can someone teach me how to create a TxTdraw on all players like the server's forums and the server's name..


pawn Код:
new Text:forumtext; //top

    forumtext = TextDrawCreate(32, 428, "Website Here"); //edit site here
    TextDrawAlignment(forumtext, 1);
    TextDrawFont(forumtext, 1);
    TextDrawLetterSize(forumtext, 0.399999,2.100000);
    TextDrawColor(forumtext, 0xAA76FFFF);
    TextDrawSetShadow(forumtext, 1);
    TextDrawSetProportional(forumtext, 2);
    TextDrawSetOutline(forumtext, 1);

TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, forumtext);
You can edit the location, what ever..
I recommend you use a TextDraw editor.
Look in the FS's

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