Opinion on TWD Gaming?

Hey there guys, okay so, I've started my own gaming community with a couple of fellas, at the moment we got an MTA Server, but we are expanded to SA:MP And CSS, we'll also make our own web-radio and more, anyways, I'd like your opinions and "First-hand expression" When you see our website, so please write your opinions below

Website is twdgamings.tk (We'll buy a .com domain soon)

ow i'm not going to say 'Its great, GO with it!' As some people would as everything can be improved. Sorry if this isnt said nicely as I want to sat it nicely but I dont know how. The website could do with some improvements the theme is to contrasting, White on back with a higher Black on red logo. I personly find it hard to consentrate and read black on read and it could be lighter colours. The site could also be improved by not using several sites you have used your site to refer to a website that is forums. Why cant you just create your own forums on your site? Again I hope you change the black and white theme to back and black with white writing as it drifts your attenstion instead of focusing it on the text you have written.

Again sorry if I've offened you but I tryed to say things nicely but often i'm not good at things like this.

You have not offended me in any way, I like constructive critism, but okay well, it was made in like.. 5-6 Minutes, I'm no big web developer, we are still looking for a nice template though, and the forums are just tempoary, we got a vBulletin license awaiting us, so as soon as the domain is bought we'll use vBulletin instead

Well umm, About vBulletin people dislike it itssearch engine is like trying to find hay in a hay stack. The needle will always be found (The usless posts). If you ask here instead of paying loads to buy vBulletin and hosting that supports it. Its best to make a thread here or on a web developer forum and ask for it to have what you want. If you can get access to Abode Dreamweaver web development is a breeze.

I also wish you luck with your community

Making a community web site you pretty much need these two important items.

-Domain. (.net mostly or whatever you prefer)
-Webhost (uploading forum files, homepage etc.)

As my Opinion right now is you're going to fast start off 1 Game or at-least 2 with some players and until it grows go to other games as the community grows.

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