Suspect Problem

How to make when a player leave the server with wanted next time when he login spawn him at jail?

First you need a way of saving account stats.

Second, you can define variables.

pawn Код:
new IsJailed = 0
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid)
    if(GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid) > 3)
        IsJailed = 1;
                   //If a player logs off with a wanted level greater than 3. Then the IsJailed would be set to 1 or yes.
    return 1;
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
    if(IsJailed == 1)
        SetPlayerPos(playerid,You would put the jail coordinates here);
        SetTimer("JailTime",60000,false); //If a player's variable IsJailed is set to 1 or yes then it will set a timer of 60 seconds.
forward JailTime(playerid);
public JailTime(playerid)
    SetPlayerPos(playerid,you eould put the release coords here.);
    IsJailed = 0; //After those sixty seconds are up. They will be released and heir IsJailed would be set to 0 or 'no'.

Originally Posted by VincentDunn
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First you need a way of saving account stats.

Second, you can define variables.

pawn Код:
new IsJailed = 0
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid)
    if(GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid) > 3)
        IsJailed = 1;
                   //If a player logs off with a wanted level greater than 3. Then the IsJailed would be set to 1 or yes.
    return 1;
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
    if(IsJailed == 1)
        SetPlayerPos(playerid,You would put the jail coordinates here);
        SetTimer("JailTime",60000,false); //If a player's variable IsJailed is set to 1 or yes then it will set a timer of 60 seconds.
forward JailTime(playerid);
public JailTime(playerid)
    SetPlayerPos(playerid,you eould put the release coords here.);
    IsJailed = 0; //After those sixty seconds are up. They will be released and heir IsJailed would be set to 0 or 'no'.
You need to add [MAX_PLAYERS] to that, and use isJailed[playerid] or it will be a global variable (aka for everyone).

Originally Posted by [ABK]Antonio
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You need to add [MAX_PLAYERS] to that, and use isJailed[playerid] or it will be a global variable (aka for everyone).
Thank you for correcting me on that.

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