Just bought a Volt SAMP server - Please Help

What do I type to make my server appear online? Do I just type my IP address and the :7777 port after? Or does Volt have a specific IP address and port? Please help.

-.- .... Get in your Game CP, Log in, Active servers or something, Turn it on, Then somewhere the IP Should be written.So add the IP And the port like this: xxx.xxx.xxxxxx.
If the ip is 123.123.123 and the port 7777, use 123.123.123:7777

Use the file manager or an FTP client to add your server files, edit your server.cfg file (through the control panel) to set your gamemode, filterscripts, plugins, etc... and click Control > Start (also through the control panel). DONT change the IP or PORT as this is chosen for you (you'll see bind xxxxx in the server.cfg, dont touch this). If your server doesn't start look in your server_logs.txt file to find out why or open a suport ticket (though the latter should be a last restort).

Hope that helps

Thank you guys for your help but I just now found out that volt-host does not support the client of 0.3d. Only 0.3a-0.3c, as I believe. If you have any other hosting suggestions, please let me know because I have a dynamic IP address and I do not know if my ISP will allow for a change to a static IP address. My ISP is COX Communications if you would like to take a look because I would not know where to look or what to type in. Thank you guys for your help, once again.

Originally Posted by camisbest1
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Thank you guys for your help but I just now found out that volt-host does not support the client of 0.3d. Only 0.3a-0.3c, as I believe. If you have any other hosting suggestions, please let me know because I have a dynamic IP address and I do not know if my ISP will allow for a change to a static IP address. My ISP is COX Communications if you would like to take a look because I would not know where to look or what to type in. Thank you guys for your help, once again.
I'm running 0.3d on Volt Host just fine.

lol you have to upload your sever files using FTP i suggest Filezilla onto the host CP
and get it working on from there and volt-host supports 0.3d

To get 0.3d running you would upload the files that is in 0.3d linux.

Then reboot your server.

I just downloaded FileZilla and logged in Via volt-host FTP and it was a successful login. Now what do I do? I am new to hosting. This is literally my first server. If you can help me, that would be great.

Do you have TeamViewer? If so, PM me your username & password and i'll help you out.

Its not Rocket Science. And Volt-Host has support tickets. Use them, thats what they are for.

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