for loop

so I have this small bit of code:

note: foreach is the same as for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) if(IsPlayerConnected(i))
and the first pos[0] - pos[3] are from the object id that I shot, its updating every 250ms, so this piece of code is inside a timer.

Well the problem starts at the first loop already... I added: if(playerid != i), but seems that sometimes this piece of code is even occuring for the playerid himself and not other ids..
So I tried many stuff and well seems there should be nothing wrong with this piece of code. So I guess it is a sampbug -_-. The playerid looses health and gets a bloodobject around them, but the other id (= i) gets nothing. This happens sometimes.. I even tried checking it with a client message, but even that says there isn't a change of id. So it should take the right playerid... But why?

Is the break; supposed to be there? That stops the loop!

Yep, the break is supposed to be there, because I dont want to check any further.
Imean like found = found.

This section is for SA-MP bugs, your problem is a scripting error. Post in the Scripting section.

Why did you move this 0.0

It is a samp bug, I am sure of it. There is no way this is a scripting error.

Firstly, I very much doubt it's SA-MP's fault, just by looking at that function you've stuck together.

Secondly, you're not showing where the playerid is coming from for it not to equal i. All we see is a GetDynamicObject function, might be best if you actually shown us how the code is being handled, rather than just a loop you've ripped from your gamemode together with a Get function.

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