Pickup doesn't show

Hi guys,
there might be a stupid mistake that I didn't notice, but I can't imagine why it doesn't work...

pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit()
  CreatePickup(1239, 23, 5430.4668, 3482.0422, 7006.1318, -1);
  return 1;
This pickup doesn't appear on the server.. at least I can't see it..
(the coords should be correct, as I checked them several times)
This is the only pickup I'm using, so I shouldn't have passed the pickup limit yet...
Any idea?

Edit: I understood wrong.

My problem is not that it doesn't disappear (it shouldn't), but that it does not appear at all..

do you use any form of streamer? If so which one?

yea.. streamer plugin, although I don't want to stream the pickups, so I used the default sa-mp code

Hmm, I might be wrong, but if you are using Incognito's Streamer, you should Replace the CreateObject to CreateDynamicObject as you already know and I think it has to replace the CreatePickup to CreateDynamicPickup to show the pickup.

If I wanted to stream the pickup I had too, although I don#t want to stream it, but use it the default sa-mp way.

edit: when using CreateDynamicPickup it doesn't work either btw

Are you really sure your Z-coordinate ( 7006.1318 ) is right? That's higher than the map is wide...

You can also check what CreatePickup returns (should be 0)

It's nessacary, you can't have the plugin for stream objects and not stream pickups.
One solution there is, make it as FS without using Incognito's Streamer and I believe you are ok.

Yes I am sure, custom map...

@dwane: it's not.. it just allows you to stream objects, but doesn't disable the CreateObject or other sa-mp default functions. You can even stream some objects while not streaming other objects

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