How to make online time?

How can I make something, that detects how long a player is playing?

I just need an example

I use this variable:
pawn Код:

I use this

Outside of everything
pawn Код:
new OneSecondTimer;
Under OnGameModeInit
pawn Код:
OneSecondTimer  = SetTimer("OneSecondUpdate", 1000, true);
Under OnGameModeExit
pawn Код:
Outside of everything
pawn Код:
forward OneSecondUpdate(playerid)
public OneSecondUpdate(playerid)
    if(pInfo[playerid][Seconds] == 60)
        pInfo[playerid][Seconds] = 0;
        if(pInfo[playerid][Minutes] == 60)
            pInfo[playerid][Minutes] = 0;
        else pInfo[playerid][Minutes]++;
    else pInfo[playerid][Seconds]++;
There's probably other methods, this is just the one I use, there could even be better ones

Create a timer, you can put it in OnGameModeInit:

SetTimer("PlayerTime", 1000, 0);

Create the function:

forward PlayerTime(); // dont forget the forward since its called in a timer
public PlayerTime()
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) // go through each player
if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && (maybe put logged-in variable here))
pInfo[i][Online]++; // add one second to the played time

if you want it to add time each minute, change the timer to 60000 milliseconds

Just make pInfo[playerid][Hour] and pInfo[playerid][Minute]. then you must need a timer so on top add
pawn Код:
new OnlineTimer[MAX_PLAYERS];
under onplayerdisconnect add
pawn Код:
so it wont bug players
and under your login command/dialog where the player gets his stats add
pawn Код:
OnlineTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("OnlineTimeUpdate", 60000, 1, "i", playerid);
so first go down to your script and add
pawn Код:
forward OnlineTimeUpdate(playerid);
public OnlineTimeUpdate(playerid)
    PlayerData[playerid][Minutes] ++;
    if(PlayerData[playerid][Minutes] == 60)
        PlayerData[playerid][Hours] ++;
        PlayerData[playerid][Minutes] = 0;
        return 1;

If I want something to happen every minute they're online, I can simply modify what they gain when a minute happens, or an hour, or even a second. It's a universal thing, if they play for 15 minutes, I can do that in there too. I personally think it's just simpler than getting time over and over.


I would say to use ******'s method if you aren't planning on doing anything with it, like putting in certain things at certain times. I can't think of a way without using a timer to do such a thing. Though, making a separate timer for every single player would probably create more of a mess than just using one global timer. Of course you could call it less like one minute and increase their minutes and when they're at that you could.

Thanks, it worked.

Originally Posted by ******
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Why are you all using timers? Just get the time when they join and the time when they leave.
What if the server crashes?

Well yes, but updating every 5 minutes or so isn't. That's what I do

You shouldn't have a one second timer anyway - imagine that with 100 players. Use a minute timer, and save it every 5 or so timer calls.

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