[GameMode] Plasma'o`Funzone - scriptable gamemode-500+objects|Freeroam/DM/Stunts/Mini-Games/Race-Easy to edit

Hello there guys
this is going to be my First gamemode made it from scratch
and tried to add as much as i can

it comes with in a pack


New cookieAdmin System - works when you click at players name

-New stunt zone
-New drift arena
-Tuning Options
-Help Menu
-New /bank System
-Admin house/ with gate features
-Auto NOS on Click ( /autonos & /deactivate)

-Race's (Comes in additional Pack)
-Left lot of space for you to add your own Objects

/tele - /teles - /teleport - /teleports
/credit - /credits

Rcon Only:
/oa <-- Open admin gate
/ca <-- Close admin gate

/odm <-- Open DM gate
/cdm <-- Close DM gate

/od Opens the door to the admin house
/cd Closes the door to the admin house

/ogd Opens grarge door (At admin house)
/cgd Closes grarge door (At admin house)

/wang - /wangcars
/DM -- With guns New armour and health
/DM[2-5] -- With guns New armour and health

/mdt > Mini drift


RanSEE : Script,FS,INC
CookieJar: Admin system
max313: Assistance
Michal@Belgium: Admin system

New Features..

Added two admin system : CookieAdmin v1.2 , Mv_Panel2.2

Cookie Admin: Works when you click on players nick name from the menu ( get the menu by pressing "tab")^

^ Commands :
administration system, which works by double-clicking on the players name (when TAB is pressed), and then choosing an option. I can't provide screenshots yet, as I don't have time to take them, I will provide them later. This is dialog based admin system.


* Spec
* Mute
* Unmute
* Set Health
* Set Armour
* Slap
* Kick
* Ban
* Jail
* Unjail
* Set Score
* Set Money
* Set Skin
* Explode
* Command block
* Freeze
* Unfreeze
* Go to

Mv_Panel_2.2 : Is a filterscript that adds a lot of new features (list of commands added in are below)


* y_ini for accounts saving
* foreach
* 2211 lines (v1.2) || 2347 lines (v1.3) || 2842 lines (v2.0) ||2675 lines (v2.0a) || 2738 lines (v2.0b) || 2803 lines (v2.1) || 2880 lines (v2.1a) || 2870 lines (v2.1b) || 2976 lines (v2.2)
* Easy to use !
* Vip system
* Admin system
* Add PrivateVehicles ! (added in 1.3) (Tuturial at the buttom)
* Save and spawn Tuned Vehicles ! (added in 2.0) (Tuturial at the buttom
* Fallout's 'Advanced Player Info' (in console) (added in 2.0)
* Cmdlog (added in 2.0) (changed in 2.0b)
* Anti-cheat ! (Anti-Spam, Anti-HighPing, Anti-minigun, Anti-Jetpack, Anti-Swear, Anti-ArmourHack, Anti-Speedhack, Anti-Advertisment)
* Reportlog - Reported players are going to be saved in a file (added in 2.1) (edited in 2.1a)

VIP = level 1
MODERATOR = level 2
ADMIN = level 3
RCON ADMIN = level 4 (display in /admins) (added in v1.2)

Normal player cmds:

* /admin - Show the online admins
* /stats - Show the stats (id, health,armour,name,adminlevel,money,interior) (added in 1.3)
* /changepassword [newpass] - Change the password of the player (added in 2.1a)
* /bug - The player can report bugs; bugs will be saved in a file (Bugs.txt)(added in 2.2)
* /sug - The player can give suggestions for the server; suggestions will be saved in a file (Suggestions.txt)(added in 2.2)

Vip cmds:

* /viphelp - To see the vip cmds
* /vipveh - To spawn a vehicle for the VIP
* /vipnos - Add nitro
* /viprepair - Repair the car
* /vipheal - Heal the vip
* /vipflip - Flip the car
* /vip(un)godcar - God the car (added in 1.1 !) (changed in 1.3)
* /vip(un)lock - Lock your car (added in 1.3)
* /vipunlimnos - Unlimted nos for vips (added in 2.0b)

Moderator cmds:

* /ahelp - See the cmds for mod/admin
* /crew - Change the skin to a 'crewmember'
* /spectate - Spectate a player
* /kick [ID] - kick a player
* /freeze [ID] - Freeze a player
* /unfreeze [ID] - Unfreeze a player
* /jail [ID] [SECONDS] [REASON] - Jail a player (changed in 2.0)
* /unjail [ID] - Unjail a player
* /mute [ID] - Mute a player
* /unmute [ID] - Unmute a player
* /veh [ID] - To give a vehicle to someone or just /veh for yourself
* /ajetpack - Spawn a jetpack for you
* /setarmour [ID] - Set the armour for someone
* /sethealth [ID] - Set the health for someone
* /slap [ID] - To slap someone
* /cage [ID] - To cage someone
* /uncage [ID] - To uncage someone
* /announce [TEXT] - Announcement
* /disarm [ID] - Disarm someone
* /eject [ID] - Eject someone out the vehicle
* /burn [ID] - Burn somebody
* /warn [ID] [REASON] - Warn someone (max 3 warns, more = kick) (added in 1.1)
* /(un)freezeall - Freeze all players ! (added in 1.1)
* /spawn(all) - Spawn a/all player(s) ! (added in 1.2)
* /countdown - A simple countdown from 5 to 'gogogo' (added in 1.3)
* /pcountdown - Countdown for player (added in 2.0)
* /ejectall - Eject all players from their vehicle (added in 2.0)
* /whois [ID] - Who is [ID] ? (returns name, level, armour,health, ip, ping, money, skin) (added in 2.0a)
* /set(all)weather ([ID]) [WEATHERID]- Set a weather for someone/all (added in 2.1a)
* /set(all)time ([ID]) [TIME] - Set the time for a certain player / for all (added in 2.1a)
* /(all)music [ID] [*******LINK] - Stream a ******* song/vid for a player/everyone. (added in 2.1b)

Admin cmds
The admin can do the cmds above too !

* /get [ID] - Teleport somebody to you
* /goto [ID] - Teleport you to somone
* /ban [ID] - To ban somebody (ofcourse)
* /cpanel - The controlpanel for players + server = IN DIALOG !
* /setlevel [1/2/3] - Set someone to level 1,2 or 3
* /setscore [ID] [SCORE] - Set score of player
* /healall - Heal all players
* /sethealth [ID] - Set health to a player
* /getall - Get everyone to you !
* /killall - Kill everyone IG !
* /explode - To explode someone
* /giveweapon [ID] [weaponid] [ammo] - Give the player a gun with ammo
* /weaponids - See all the weapon id's
* /asay [TEXT] - Say something to everyone x)
* /armourall - Armour everyone
* /adminduty - This set the playercolor black and a 3Dtext to the player with: I am admin ! Do not attack !
* /(un)godall - God all players ! (added in 1.1)
* /setskin [PLAYERID] [SKINID] - Sets a skin for a player ! (added in 1.2)
* /setallskin [SKINID] - Setting all player skins ! (added in 2.0)
* /setallscore [VALUE] - Setting player score ! (added in 2.0)
* /adminoffduty - If you don't want to be on duty (added in 2.0)
* /setinterior [PLAYERID] [INTERIOR ID] - Set someone's interior (added in 2.0)
* /giveallweapon [WEAPONID] [AMMO] - Give a weapon to everyone ! (added in 2.0a)
* /fakechat [PLAYERID] [TEXT] - Sends fakechat (added in 2.0b)
* /crash [ID] [REASON] - Crash a player (added in 2.1)
* /facepunch [ID] [REASON] - Facepunch a player to annoy him (added in 2.2)

/cpanel (if youre level = 3)

Then if you click on "Open Players Panel"

Then if you click on "Open Server panel"

Big thanks to Micheal@Belgium

Download> Mediafire : http://www.mediafire.com/?dhnbuunfdvu7t55

Enjoy it

good work

its simple

simple but useful as i said its scriptable i just made script look easy so that even newbs can script.

sorry for #2 post but if any bugs founds please report then asap.

Cool work... i needed something like that!

gonna try it.

Hmm Good Job!

Normal player cmds:

* /admin - Show the online admins
* /stats - Show the stats (id, health,armour,name,adminlevel,money,interior) (added in 1.3)
* /changepassword [newpass] - Change the password of the player (added in 2.1a)
* /bug - The player can report bugs; bugs will be saved in a file (Bugs.txt)(added in 2.2)
* /sug - The player can give suggestions for the server; suggestions will be saved in a file (Suggestions.txt)(added in 2.2)
says no such command?

ur the best man thankscool

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